Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunshine and Snow and Rain and Sunshine and Snow and Rain and....

The weather is going crazy. And with it so am I. 
These past few weeks have been so much fun, and I've really been having a good time. Getting back into reading my bible, falling in love with Jesus again, falling in love with this camp again, falling in love with life again. Work has been fantastic, and even though I love the Meadow, I've gotten an opportunity to meet lots of new people and be friends with not just one specific group of people. It's  been stretching me but I love it. This is going to be an incredible summer and I can't wait to see what God's going to do in these kids lives. I am on Wagon Train crew this summer, working with another Joshua student named Sarah. I get a fake-name, which I have no idea what it'll be, but I'm working on it. I will never repeat what my name was when I worked the Train when I was 11...let's just say it was a bad idea and I am haunted by it now. :) 

At Wagon Train we get the awesome opportunity not just to clean in one of the camps, but we are blessed to actually be apart of camp, getting to know the campers in more of a dynamic way than other cleaning crews. One summer staffer in WT had the incredible opportunity to lead a little girl to Christ. I can't wait to see what He uses me for up there in all that dirt. It's going to be awesome.

Little Summer Staffers are arriving and with that comes the "I own this camp" entitlement they all feel. But they've got nothing on 11 years of growing up here, which I will remind them of ;) 

I miss England so much it hurts sometimes and when new summer staff ask what I've done and I tell them about England, the memories come flooding back and I miss it even more. I can't wait for the opportunity to go back, or at least see one dear Capernwray friend who blessed my time there. I miss them more than I can say. 

I'm excited for what the future holds, and I can't wait until I have more exciting things to share with you, because I know there will be in time ;)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

America has made me a terrible blogger

That and the fact my computer broke, my iPod broke, and this old desktop PC is not my number one choice of fast internet. 

Anyways, life has been busy. After Easter I began working in S.S. That stands for Secret Services...I mean, Support Services. It's been a long road. I'm still battling with my pride and trying to be a servant like Jesus, working with a smile and doing the best I can do no matter what I'm doing. I'm not perfect, and there have been days where I just feel like screaming at God asking him why the heck I have to do this. But do it is obviously what he wants me to do, so I keep working. 

It's been difficult finding my place back at Hume however. I left England with a pretty good sense of who I am, and got back to Hume and obviously forgot it. My friends were all younger than me but since we went to school together it didn't matter. Now I'm not in school, I'm working, and I don't feel connected to that part of who I was anymore.And that just makes me so sad because I absolutely love these Hume kids and the incredible blessing they are to me. Now that I work with my friends who are all older than me, it's been a rough road to walk because how far do you go as friends and how far can you go as co-workers. Balancing it all out has been tough, and I had a breakdown one day when all I wanted was to be back in my castle with the incredible human beings who shaped me into what I'm becoming. I wouldn't trade the friends I made in England for anything, and I miss them absolutely every day. 

So now life continues. Figuring out who I am where I am, who I will be as I go on, and how much of who I was will affect my future. I still don't have everything together, I'm constantly asking God what he's doing because I don't understand, and he continues to show me through people who love me the wisdom of holding your head up high and to keep on walking, even when the road is steep and there's no end in sight. 

Summer is coming and I can't wait to see what God does in the lives of the kids he's going to bring to this incredible place this summer. Until then, we keep walking. And cleaning lots of toilets. Lots of them.